TI RSLK Library 0.2.2
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TI RSLK Library


This [Energia] (https://energia.nu/) library provides a set of classes and functions to make using the [Texas Instrument's Robotic System Learning Kit] (http://www.ti.com/rslk) simple.
Go to http://www.ti.com/rslk to see the user guides, view curriculum and find the link to order. This library is included with the MSP432-Core for use with Arduino.

Using This Library

Library Documentation

Library documentation is hosted on Github Pages at https://ndroid.github.io/msp432-core/RSLK/

SimpleRSLK (Recommended)

The SimpleRSLK defines a set of easy to use functions for the RSLK. Internally it calls the classes and functions mentioned below.

Peripheral Specific Library/Function

Functions and classes have been created for each of the peripherals used on the RSLK Max.

  • Bump_Switch provides an easy to use class for a a single bump switch.
  • Romi_Motor_Power provides an easy to use class for a single motor.
  • QTRSensors provides an easy to use class for the line sensor. Provided by Pololu.
  • GP2Y0A21_Sensor provides an easy to use class for the GP2Y0A21 IR distance sensor.
  • Encoder.h provides an easy to use set of functions for the two onboard Encoders.

Pins and Other Important Defines

RSLK_Pins.h provides an important list of pins definitions for the RSLK.

Useful Documentation

Links to Parts