TI MSP432 Core for Arduino v5.29.5
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TI MSP432 Core for Arduino

TI MSP432 Core

This page provides references for the MSP432 Core, supporting TI MSP432P4xx Launchpads on Arduino. It includes documentation for included libraries and for the Launchpad boards. This board package is intended to match Arduino 10600 specification. For core package reference, refer to Arduino Reference.

See the MSP432-core repo for additional information, including source files and README.

TI MSP432 Core Libraries

References for libraries included with the TI MSP432 Core for Arduino.

Educational BoosterPack MKII
Provides a set of classes and methods to simplify display to the Educational BoosterPack Mark II LCD screen. See the product page at https://www.ti.com/tool/BOOSTXL-EDUMKII or the user guide at BOOSTXL-EDUMKII User's Guide.
LCD screen library reference
Servo Library (Reference)
This library is based on the Arduino Servo library, see https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/servo/.
TinyIRremote Library (Reference)
MSP432 optimized implementation of IR receive and transmit library for NEC protocol.
TI RSLK Library (Reference)
Library provides a set of classes and functions to make using the Texas Instrument's Robotic System Learning Kit simple.
Go to http://www.ti.com/rslk to see the user guides, view curriculum and find the link to order.

Board reference and pin maps

Arduino Pin Maps for MSP432P4xx

Pin Map 1-page summary pin map
Pin Table (Breakout) pin map table ordered by breakout board header order
Pin Table (BoosterPack) pin map table ordered by Arduino pin number order

MSP432P4xx pin tables
These provide improved summaries of pin attributes from tables provided in Section 4 of the data sheet.

Pin functions table of pin assignments organized by peripheral function
Pin attributes (pdf) pin attributes table ordered by port pin value (compact version)
Pin attributes (pdf) complete attributes table including summary descriptions